Owls United
Together, we can make Houston stronger.
Right here in Houston, 44% of households struggle to afford basic necessities. With your support, we can help families in your community land on their feet and stay there by giving to United Way.
Your gift bolsters initiatives and programs that help our neighbors achieve financial stability and a sustainable quality of life. It’s the most effective and efficient way to create lasting change across Greater Houston.
Your generosity can change lives. Together, we can create a brighter future for our community. Join Team Rice and help us make a momentous difference in Houston today!
Payroll Pledge
To contribute by payroll deduction, you may authorize your pledge directly at io.rice.edu upon selecting the "United Way Contributions" icon.
Credit / Debit
To make a one-time electronic payment, visit the Team Rice page on United Way of Greater Houston’s website, where you may securely enter your card information.
Cash / Check
To contribute by check or cash, you may use this printable PDF pledge form with full instructions.

Connecting People to Possibility
United Way of Greater Houston creates opportunities for people to prosper through financial stability services, coupled with early childhood and youth development programs, and health care programs. These important resources help families not only gain financial stability but also build stronger, more sustainable futures for themselves and their children.